Sunday, August 24, 2008

How Many Files Do You Understand

I just did a virus scan on my PC. Its just a lowly laptop. On just the internal 100GB drive. Now let me be clear. This is not just Joe Consumer's PC. I use this for software development, music recording, storing pictures, etc. So there are lots of programs. A lot of crap. I suppose its a power users PC. But so far it has scanned 4,724,604 files. I have no idea what most of them are. I can't believe there are even that many files on this machine. I would guess a huge number are not even used. This is a MacBook Pro running both OSX and XP in partitions. This does not even include my extenal drives with pictures and music files. WTF???? How is this possible. I am clueless. I suppose I should continue backing it up.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ok so now you want to kill Google?

Good luck with that. So you buy up a mimimally competitive rival, Yahoo?

Well this will be interesting. What do you think. Post your comments please.

What do you mean, Microsoft Sucks?

Well, mainly I just did this to get attention. Because they need some serious criticism to improve their product. After all I believe their position in dominating the market leads to only self-serving changes in product. Not market serving improvements.

Lets take Vista. Why does anyone give a rats ass about Vista? It does nothing to help a professional user make his day go faster. Nothing at all. Its just bigger and more bloated, full of feel good look nice GUI goo. There is no way you can upgrade a perfectly working XP system and feel like you did anything worthwhile with your time.

And now they force it on new PCs. Well maybe not. Lets hope not.

They need a NEW Vista - one without the bogus extra bloat - one that runs FASTER on EXISTING PCs.

But as you might suspect - they are in collusion with Intel, etc. to sell more HARDWARE as NEEDED to RUN the NEW software. After all if they can force us all to abandon XP, we will need to buy new boxes to run it.

So if nobody else, other than me, complains - you all deserve what you get.

Waiting for Windows to Boot

Excuse me, but why does it take so long?

You would think with Moore's Law computing would get faster, but no, there seems to be some acceptable amount of time it takes to boot.

I recently helped someone install a "lite" version of windows XP on an ACER EEPC, which has flash RAM instead of a hard drive. It seems to boot really nicely, of course so does a new PC. So we will see what happens.

Maybe the solution is to equip all PCs with a 4G flash drive to be reserved only for the operating system. Of course if Microsoft does their Usual Thing, that wouldn't be enough.

Just what does it take to support a simple User Interface.

I wish the market was MORE concerned with speed. Windows IS a dog. And I'm no Apple OS booster either. On my MacBook Pro, occasionally OS X will hang, and I will need to re-boot. Not Windows XP. You tell me who makes better software.

And Microsoft Sucks but they are still the best game in town.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Watching Your Disk Defragment

Have you ever done that? What kind of a waste of time is that. Of course you have no life if you even think to defragment your disk. Why doesn't it just take care of that for you automatically? But why does Windows run well when its new then just start slowing down and sucking? It should manage itself better so that does not happen.

Meanwhile Bill and Co. give us Vista. Which is the worlds worst overbloated, overhyped and useless upgrade you could imagine. Its downhill on performence.

So now you know my opinion. Isn't that what blogs are for?

And why does this Moore's Law Wonder Computer Dual Core Intel X99 plus etc. run so slow, still. On paper the hardware is better, but Microsoft just sucks it up because they are too ??? (I don't know what they are) FUBAR to just address PERFORMANCE.

I mean if they want people to buy a new version of Windows. WHY DON'T THEY MAKE IT FASTER!!!!!!!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Office 2008 for Mac - the New Wonder

Well, just recently, I was asked by someone if I could help them with some powerpoint and excel files they needed for an MBA class. As I am the supposed computer guru (having continuous experience in that business from the early 70s) I am always anxious to solve easy problems.

This person has a MAC. Now I don't have anything bad to say about Apple, or Macs. They also have a Linux box. Which has open office, which doesn't work for a couple of the files (because they were saved with MSFTs most advanced and arcane features!).

So you would think office for the Mac would do the trick. This person went out and bought Office 2008, opened the box and tried to install it. Guess what. Their version of OS 9 was not compatible with office 2008. So I look into seeing about the cost of the OS upgrade for the Mac. Then we look at the fine print on office 2008. Turns out they DO NOT SUPPORT VB MACROS IN EXCEL in Office 2008 for the Mac.

Whhaat is Microsoft Saying Here??

1) Well screw you Apple User, for trying to use Microsoft Software. We supported it in 2004 but since nobody in business would ever be Mac user you obviously don't need that. Or nobody would ever exchange files with the Mac guy

2) Well if we screw this guy one more time he will dump his Mac and give up and buy windows.

3) Well screw him regardless. After all he's on a Mac and we have to screw him to punish him and make him angry. He will go to his office party and his co-workers will laugh at him. Besides we are pissed at their asinine hipster vs. nerd advertising.

The official word is that it would have been too hard to do VB compatibility?

I pick 3.

One more reason for us all to dump Microsoft and use open office. Even if it is slow, even if it does suck. Because we are willing to punish ourselves just on principle. (well you go first)

How they could fix it?
DUH. They did this on purpose. Why are they going to fix it. Unless people get pissed. I wonder if there could ever be enough pissed off Mac users to make them fix it. Lets wait and see.